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Updated: Aug 6, 2024

How to use the Update Subscription node

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The Update Subscription node is a valuable tool within the beehiiv automation suite that allows you to make adjustments to a subscriber’s status and additions to their custom fields.

This functionality proves useful in various scenarios. You can update custom fields based on user actions, manage subscriber status according to engagement levels, or identify users from specific sources. 

How to use the Update Subscription node in an automation

  1. From the left panel in your account, go to Audience > Automations and then either create a new automation or open one of your saved automations that you would like to update. 

  2. Once in the workflow builder, you’ll see your Actions menu on the left. You can also collapse this menu at any time by clicking on the arrow icon.
    Under Data, select the Update Subscription node, then drag and place it the desired spot of your workflow.

  3. After you add it to the workflow, click on the Configure step icon found in the right corner of the Update Subscription node.

  4. The node form will appear on the left. You’ll need to specify the type of subscription, select the custom fields you wish to keep or update, and define any step conditions, if they apply.  

    Determine the subscription status that should be kept or transitioned, choose between Active or Inactive.

  5. Click on Add Custom Field to choose from the custom fields that are setup in your account. In the box on the left, click the arrows to access a dropdown and select a custom field from your list, then enter in what you want to update the field to in the box on the right.

    You can also click on Manage Custom Fields to create a new custom field to use, or to remove a custom field from a subscriber, leave the right box empty.

  6. Under Step Conditions, click on Add Conditions and add any specifications that you desire.

  7. When done adding conditions, click Back to return to the form.

  8. Review your selections to make sure the details are correct on the form, then click on Save to confirm them.

  9. Once saved, the Update Subscription node will be visible in your workflow.

  10. When you are ready to activate the Update Subscription node, click on the Configure step icon found in the right corner of the node to bring the form back up.

  11. From the form on the left, toggle the Activate option on and then click Save.

  12. A box will appear asking if you are sure that you want to activate the step, click on Confirm.


  13. Once activated, the node will change to color in your workflow. To deactivate it at any time, repeat steps 7-9, except toggle the node off before saving.

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