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Updated: Apr 29, 2024

Boosts dashboard overview

Available on paid beehiiv plans. Click here to upgrade your account.

 Boosts operates as a robust two-sided marketplace, connecting newsletters looking to grow their audience with publishers looking to promote other newsletters while generating revenue; making it a fantastic opportunity to both grow your audience and monetize your newsletter. You can choose to participate in one or both sides of the Boosts marketplace (grow and monetize), but for optimal success it’s best to take advantage of them in tandem.

Tech Note: In order to use the Boosts feature, you’ll need to first confirm your account with Stripe Identity Verification and then add funds to your Boosts wallet.

In this article, we’ll be looking at the Boosts dashboard in your account, detailing the functionalities of each of the 4 tabs available; Overview, Applications, Insights, and Offer History. 

Boosts dashboard homepage 

After setting up your Boosts account and adding funds to your wallet, upon visiting your dashboard, at a glance you’ll see:

  • The number of Total Subscribers you currently have
    • Plus the number of your pending and verified subscribers 
  • Your current Open Rate percentage
    • Plus your current click-through and unsubscribe rates
  • Your Total Spend amount
    • Plus any pending spend
  • The current available balance in your account
    • Plus your escrow balance


Overview tab

After opening your Boosts dashboard, you'll automatically be on the Overview tab where you’ll see your current live Boosts offer, if you have one.

Note: Each publication is limited to having one live Boosts offer in the marketplace at any given time.

Next to your offer, you'll find an overview of the channels you have enabled and the chosen verification mode for your account. 

You can make changes to your current offer by clicking on the pink Edit Offer button found on the right side of the page. Just remember that saving a new offer will end any previous offer and become your live Boosts offer. You can also edit your live offer from the Offer History tab

Below that, the page offers a comprehensive summary of the performance metrics of all the newsletters you have partnered with for Boosts.


Applications tab

Switching over to the Applications tab, you’ll find all applications to your boost offer consolidated into two tabs, Web Applications and Email Applications

Tech Note: To ensure only publications you trust can access Boosts, we only allow publications that you’ve already approved for Web Boosts to apply to your Email Boosts.


Click the Review button on any of the applications to see the details of the publication applying to boost your publication. 

  • To approve an application, select Approve.
  • To reject an application, select Reject.


Insights tab

The Insights tab is dedicated to showing you macro trends with respect to growth and spend across all of your Boosts. You can adjust the viewed dates by clicking on the down arrow found at the top right of the chart. 


Offer History tab

The Offer History tab allows you to track and compare the historical performance of your boost, factoring in when you update and change your CPA (cost per acquisition) over time. 


How to disable, archive, or edit boost offers 

While on the Offer History tab, you can access various options for each offer by clicking on the Actions button found at the far right of the respective offer.

Here’s what each option controls:

  • Disable: When you disable an offer, the publications currently boosting you can continue to send you subscribers but your offer will be removed from the marketplace so nobody else will be able to apply to it. 
    • You can also choose to reactivate a disabled offer by publishing it again as your live offer (since there can only be one live offer at a time.)
  • Archive: If you archive an offer, it will end it as an active boost and be removed from the marketplace. 
    • Note: Archiving a boost is permanent and cannot be reactivated.
  • Edit: You can only edit your current live offer. Additionally, saving a new offer will end any previous offer and become your live Boosts offer. 
    • Note: If you edit the CPA, this will end your current offer and the new CPA will be published as your new live offer in the marketplace where publications can apply to boost it.
  • View Web Boosts: Allows you to view only your Web Boosts.
  • View Email Boosts: Allows you to view only your Email Boosts. 


Pro Tip: If at any point you suspect spam or abuse from a Boosts partner, please report this to our team by contacting support

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