Updated: Mar 7, 2025
How to set the geolocation (country) of your Grow Boosts offer
One of the many ways you can customize your monetization strategy is to tailor your Grow Boosts payments based on your audience's location, whether it's the US, France, or elsewhere. This makes it easy to target boosted subscribers from specific countries with precise geolocation criteria.
Verifying the country of signup of potential Boosts subscribers is an additional step that happens behind the scenes along with our existing spam and engagement verification checks. This ensures that you only pay for engaged subscribers from your specified countries.
How geolocation works for subscribers acquired via Boosts
- You only pay for subscribers who meet your geolocation criteria and pass our engagement quality verification checks.
- Subscribers who fail to meet your geolocation criteria and the quality checks will be rejected, and no payment will be processed.
- Subscribers who pass the quality checks but don't meet your geolocation criteria will remain on your list for free, as they are deemed valid subscribers but are not eligible for payment.
- On your Boosts offer, if you have the option ‘Auto clean Boost verification denied subscribers’ enabled, those who don't meet your criteria will be automatically removed from your list.
- Have more questions? Read our guide on using Boosts to grow your audience and our FAQs about Grow and Monetize Boosts.
Adjusting the geolocation criteria of your Boosts offer
- From the left hand panel in your account, go to Grow > Boosts then either select to edit your existing offer or click on the pink New Offer button.
- You’ll be brought to your Boosts offer form. If this is a new offer, you’ll need complete Step 1: Configure offer details and then click on Continue. Otherwise, you can just hop down to Step 2: Set quality controls.
- Under the area for Geolocation criteria (Optional), click on the field to see a list of the countries that you can select from, these will be the places that your boosted subscribers will be eligible for payouts. You can click to select as many countries as you’d like.
You can also search for countries by name, simply start typing into the field and eligible countries will be presented for you to choose from.
- After you’ve made your country selection(s), click on the field once more to close the options. You’ll see your country selection(s) listed below. When satisfied, click on the Continue button.
You can also view your geolocation settings in the offer preview to the right of your Boost set up.
Pro Tip: If you create a Boost offer for a publication, the publication must have both a publication logo and publication name for the offer to show in Boosts Marketplace search results. - After you have saved your geolocation criteria, you will see it on your Boosts offer card and other publications will see it when they apply for your offer in the marketplace.
Reminder: Once your Boosts offer has been published, geolocation criteria cannot be edited. To maintain integrity and prevent abuse, you'll need to create a new offer if you wish to update the geolocation settings.