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Updated: Jul 24, 2024

Settings found in the Website Builder

The Settings tab in the Website Builder is where you’ll find some of the global controls for your account. 

We’ll go over all of these below, simply click on each option to reveal its content. 

    Pixels Settings

    Pixels is where you can add tracking pixels for: 

    • Meta (Facebook)
    • X (Twitter)
    • TikTok
    • Google Analytics (GA4)
    • GoogleTag Manager
    • Google Search Console (Verification Code)

    New entries will be saved automatically. Please refer to this article for more information about tracking pixels.


    SEO Settings

    In the SEO settings, you can toggle on or off Breadcrumbs and Remove Indexing. Changes will be saved automatically.

    Please refer to this article for more information about your SEO options.

    Social Link Settings

    Social Links is where you can add your customized URLs for: 

    • Facebook
    • X (Twitter)
    • Instagram
    • LinkedIn
    • YouTube
    • TikTok
    • Threads
    • Discord 

    Changes will be saved automatically. Please refer to this article for more information about social links.


    Tech Note: Social links that are removed or left empty will not appear in the footer of your publications. However, when you preview your post, you'll still see all the icon options. Rest assured, when you send a test email or publish it, only the icons with links in your Social Links Settings will appear in the footer.


    Email Capture Settings

    The Email Capture settings allow you to require users to subscribe or sign in to your publication site to access content.
    For the Email Capture Type, you can choose between: 

    • Gated: Users will be required to subscribe or sign in to your publication site in order to read the content.
    • Popup: Anyone can read your posts, but a popup will ask them to become a subscriber or sign in once they scroll down 50% on the page.
    • None: Users will not be asked for their email address to subscribe or to log in to your publication site in order to read the content.

    Changes will be saved automatically. Please refer to this article to learn about gating your content or adding a popup subscribe form.  

    Signup Flow Settings

    Signup Flow is the journey that new subscribers are taken through after signing up for your publication, and these settings are where you can customize the path they take. 

    New signups to your publication will be redirected through the toggled-on steps in the order they are displayed here. 

    Please refer to this article and video tutorial for more details on creating a Signup Flow for your publication.

    Comments Settings

    In the Comments settings, you can manage the comments that are made on your posts, but you’ll first need to enable the option.

    Toggle the Post Comments Section on so that it shows as being checked, then you can organize how comments are shown and set any bans necessary. 

    Changes will be saved automatically. Please refer to this article for more details on enabling comments

    Notification Settings

    What you see in the Notifications settings here will depend on if you have already enabled ‘Post Comments’ in your Account Settings. 

    If ‘Post Comments’ has not been enabled, then you will be asked to do so.

    Once enabled in your Account Settings, you will have the option to Enable Notifications by toggling it on, which will notify users when new comments have been made. Changes will be saved automatically.

    Mobile App

    You can enable a Mobile App for your publication to allow your readers to install a mobile app directly onto their device. Simply toggle the option on so that it shows as being checked to enable it.
    Changes will be saved automatically. Please refer to this article for more details on the mobile app.

    Security Settings

    The Security settings are where you can enable or disable CAPTCHA, a cookie banner, and your company Terms of Service and Privacy Policy for enhanced site security.

    Changes will be saved automatically. Please refer to this article for more information about your publication’s security options, including becoming GDPR and CCPA compliant.


    Static Pages

    In the Static Pages settings, you can toggle on the Authors Page option and customize or remove the featured authors for your publication. To promote additional publications in your organization, you can select them under the Multi-Publications section.

    Changes will be saved automatically. Please refer to this article for more details on managing static pages.

    Theme Reset

    Under Theme Reset, you always have the option to reset your theme customizations and start from scratch. To do so, click on Reset Site Theme.

    Note: This action is irreversible.

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