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Updated: Oct 14, 2024

How to add and use paywalls for paid subscriptions

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One of the key advantages of offering paid subscriptions is gaining the flexibility to implement paywalls. This feature allows you to highlight the benefits for paying subscribers — such as exclusive content, private community access, or weekend editions — while encouraging readers to upgrade.

You can make an entire post available only to your paying subscribers or strategically place paywall breaks within your post content, prompting free readers to subscribe in order to continue.

We’ll begin by showing you where to find your default paywall and how to create custom paywall options. Then, we’ll explain how to make the web version of your newsletter accessible only to your paying readers, and wrap up with steps for adding paywalls to individual posts.

How to create or customize a paywall

Accounts with Paid Subscriptions enabled will have a default paywall in their account. You can customize this default paywall and also create other custom paywall options to use at different parts in your posts. 

  1. From the left panel Dashboard, scroll down and click on Settings, select Publication, and then click on the Paid Subscriptions tab on the right.

  2. Navigate to the Paywalls section. Accounts with Paid Subscriptions enabled will have a Default paywall listed. To create a custom paywall, click Add Paywall.

  3. A new paywall form will open, with a preview on the left and the customization options on the right.

    Paywall Customizations

  • Smart fill from Paid Subscription Tier: Simply click and select a tier, to autofill your tier’s benefits.
  • Name (required): Provide a name for your paywall. This is for internal use only and will not be visible to readers.
  • Image (optional): Hover over the image to reveal icons for replacing or deleting it. A square image is recommended.
  • Title (required): Enter a prominent title for your paywall — this will be the first thing readers notice.
  • Description (required): Include a brief message guiding readers on the next action.
  • Button (required): The button text defaults to "Upgrade," but you can customize it by replacing the default copy.
  • Benefits (optional): Enter a Benefits Header to be seen in the paywall and then add the benefits one at a time. 
    • Once added, you can drag and drop the benefits into a different order on the left, or click the x on the right to delete a benefit from the list. 
  • Offer (optional): If you have any Paid Subscription Offers set up, select one to apply when readers click they are redirected to the Upgrade Page.
  • Styles (optional): Click on the Styles tab to adjust the Background Color, Text Color, Button Background Color, Button Text Color, and the Shadow around the paywall popup. You can also disable the image from showing on the paywall by toggling the Show Image option off.


  1. Once you’re satisfied with the look of your paywall, click Save at the bottom right. You’ll be redirected to the Paid Subscriptions page, where your new paywall will appear under Paywalls.

    To manage a paywall (or customize the default paywall), click the 3-dot icon next to it to Edit, Delete, Duplicate, or Set as Default.

Applying a paywall to an entire web post

These steps cover how to restrict access to an entire web post using your default paywall. If you’d prefer to show some content before prompting readers to subscribe, you can add a custom paywall to specific sections of your post, as outlined in the next steps.

  1. From the left panel Dashboard, click Start Writing, or open the post you want to edit.

  2. In the Post Builder, click to navigate from the Compose page to the Audience page. This is where you’ll find controls for both your Email Audience and Web Audience, along with a Summary on the right.

  3. Under Web Audience, click into the Default audiences field and select one of your paid subscriber tiers or choose All Paid Subscribers.

  4. After selecting your Web Audience, your choices will appear along with the default paywall. To remove any selections, click the X. Changes will sync automatically.

    You can also click Manage tiers, plans, and paywalls to go to the Paid Subscriptions page to edit your paywalls.

Adding paywall breaks within your post content 

These steps will guide you through how to set up custom paywalls for individual sections within a post, giving you more flexibility in how you manage your content access.

  1. From the left panel Dashboard, click Start Writing, or open the post you want to edit.

  2. In the Post Builder, on the Compose page, create your content. When you're ready to add a paywall, navigate to the desired section of your post. Enter a forward slash (/) and type Paywall Break to access the option. Click to add the paywall break to your post.

  3. The paywalls you’ve set up in your account will be listed. Select the one you want to feature in this section of the post. Changes will sync automatically.

  4. The paywall will display in the post and will trigger for free subscribers as they scroll past the designated area.

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