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Updated: Mar 19, 2024

How to set up your welcome email

The welcome email is an important part of your newsletter and the first email a new subscriber will receive from you. It serves to greet, thank, and introduce the subscriber to the newsletter's content, fostering a positive initial connection and providing essential onboarding information. 

Your welcome email should set the stage for what your newsletter is all about and what your new subscriber should expect moving forward. This is also a great opportunity to ensure new subscribers safelist your email and mark it as important to ensure they receive future emails, so be sure to add text for this to your welcome email, if desired. 

How to create and edit your welcome email

  1. From the left hand panel in your account, go to Settings > Publication, then scroll down to the Welcome Email section.

  2. Click on the Set Up Welcome Email button.

  3. The email editor will open, at the top you'll want to toggle on the option to Send welcome email to new subscribers. (Leaving it off will prevent the welcome email from being sent to your new subscribers.)

  4. Create your subject line and preview text, then draft the content you want to include within your welcome email. You’ll be able to use all of the editor functions you are used to, simply type / to access them. When finished, click on Save in the bottom right corner

  5. After you’ve saved your welcome email, you can go back to the same place to view and edit it. To do so, Click on View and Update Welcome Email.
    You can also untoggle the option to enable your welcome email from here.

  6. You’ll be brought to the Analytics tab for your welcome email. To view the email, click on the Overview tab. Or to edit it, click on the Edit button in the top right corner.


Where to view the analytics for your welcome email 

After you have published your welcome email and it has been sent to new subscribers, you can then view the analytics for it from the same place that you would view and edit it.

  1. From the left hand panel in your account, go to Settings > Publication, then scroll down to the Welcome Email section.

  2. Click on View and Update Welcome Email.

  3. You’ll be brought to the Analytics tab for your welcome email where you can view the Recipients, Opens, Clicks, and Spam Reports that have been garnered so far.

  4. If you have polls included in your welcome email, you can view the data from them by clicking on the Polls tab. You can also create a new poll from here by clicking on the + Create one button. 

  5. If you have premium data included in your welcome email, you can view the data for it by clicking on the Premium Data tab.

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