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Updated: Apr 29, 2024

How to apply a premium subscription gift to a subscriber

Available on paid beehiiv plans. Click here to upgrade your account.

After you have created free or discounted trials to your premium tier, you can doll out the trials on a per subscriber basis directly from your account. 

Watch and learn: Upgrade individual users to premium

Disclaimer: The beehiiv platform has evolved since the filming of this video, so parts of the user interface featured in the video will be slightly different than what you see in your account. In particular, you would go to Settings > Publication > Premium in your account to access premium subscriptions. 

How to upgrade a subscriber to your premium tier as a gift

1. From the left hand panel in your account, go to Settings > Publication > then click on the Premium tab found up top.

2. Scroll down to the Gift Premium Subscription section and click on Add New Gift.


3. An offer form will appear on the right. Select the Time Unit and Duration, or choose Lifetime if there is no determined length. Click Save to confirm the new gift. 


4. You’ll see a success message at the top of your screen and the gift will be visible under Gift Premium Subscription


5. Now it’s time to apply it to your subscriber(s). Click on the back button next to Settings in the top left of your account to be brought back to the main dashboard. 

6. From the left hand panel in your account, go to Audience > Subscribers.


12. Review your audience list and select the subscriber you would like to provide a premium subscription to, then click on their name to open their profile.

13. Once inside a subscriber’s profile, click on the down arrow found next to Unsubscribe in the top right hand corner and select the Gift Premium option. 


14. A box will pop up for you to confirm your selection, click on Send Gift


 15. You’ll see a quick success message at the top of your screen confirming the gift was sent. 


16. Repeat steps 6-15 as needed to gift individual subscribers with your premium tier.

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