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Updated: Apr 29, 2024

Using Boosts to grow your audience

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Boosts operates as a robust two-sided marketplace, connecting newsletters looking to grow their audience with publishers looking to promote other newsletters while generating revenue; making it a fantastic opportunity to both grow your audience and monetize your newsletter.

You can choose to participate in one or both sides of the Boosts marketplace (grow and monetize), but for optimal success it’s best to take advantage of them in tandem. In this article, we’ll focus on those looking to grow their audience


How to get started with Boosts to grow your audience

Tech Note: In order to add funds for use in the Boosts marketplace via your wallet, you’ll need to first confirm your account with Stripe Identity Verification. Afterward, funds added to your Boosts wallet will determine the resources available for your future boost offers, setting the stage for engagement.

Add funds to your Boosts wallet

1. From the left hand panel in your account, go to Grow > Boosts, then select the Add Funds option found in the top right corner.


2. You’ll be taken to your Stripe account where you can set the amount of funds to add.


3. Once you’ve added funds, you’ll see it reflected at the top of your Boosts dashboard.


Create your Boosts offer

4. From your Boosts dashboard, click on the pink New Offer button.


5. A form will appear for you to create your offer. Under Step 1: Configure offer details, you’ll need to input the following, then click on Continue.

  • Name: Give your offer a name. It will be used for internal purposes only. 
  • CPA: Cost per acquisition (CPA) represents how much you’ll pay per boosted subscriber.
  • Target Audience: Describes the ideal subscriber profile suited for your newsletter. This description will be displayed on your offer to match with relevant publications.


6. Under Step 2: Setup verification mode, you’ll need to select from the following options, then click on Continue.

  • Standard (Recommended): This is our more rigorous verification process that can take anywhere from 14 to 21 days.
  • Relaxed: This is our less rigorous verification process that can take as little as 2 days.
  • Toggle Auto clean Boost verification denied subscribers on if you’d like to automatically remove any subscribers that don’t pass our verification checks from your list. (This is also recommended for list hygiene.)


Add Email Boosts (optional)

7. Under Step 3: Allow Email Boosts (optional), you can choose to make the following selections, then click on Create.

  • Toggle Enable Email Boost Channel on to allow publications to promote your newsletter in their posts.
    • This is strongly recommended as it maximizes growth potential by leveraging the existing subscriber bases of publications.
  • Set a Max Spend amount, which is the maximum amount you’ll ever pay for an Email Boost send. When you approve an Email Boost application, this gets pulled into escrow for a 72-hour send window.
    • Any excess funds from new subscribers acquired and the max spend will be returned to your account after 72 hours.

Once you have a live offer, you’ll see it at the top of the Overview tab of your Boosts dashboard.


For more information on using Email Boosts, refer to this article


Note: Each publication is limited to having one live Boosts offer in the marketplace at any given time.


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