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Updated: Aug 14, 2024

Ways to use comments on beehiiv posts

Advantages to using comments 

Comments are an excellent way to enhance user engagement and foster a sense of community within your publication. They facilitate personalized interactions, helping to build stronger relationships, and their real-time nature makes the newsletter feel dynamic and alive.

Not only do comments encourage reader participation, creating a more interactive experience, but the feedback can provide valuable insights for improvement and inspiration for future content. Engaged readers are more likely to share content, which can easily increase your newsletter's reach. Plus, comments can enhance SEO by adding relevant content, making your publication more discoverable. 

Depending on your permissions, there are different ways to interact with comments within beehiiv, we’ll go over each below. Please refer to this article for guidance on enabling comments for a publication.


User Experience: Leaving likes, comments, and replies on published posts

Comments will follow the settings of the specific post. If your post is free for all users, then everyone can see the comments. If it's for premium subscribers only, then only those subscribers can see and leave comments. So, to leave a comment or like it, you'll need to subscribe to the beehiiv publication.

  1. Open a beehiiv publication that you'd like to comment on or reply to a comment. 

  2. There are 2 places to access comments. On the left side of the post, you’ll find an icons menu. If they have comments enabled, then you will see an icon for comments. Or, at the bottom of the post, you'll find an option to Join the conversation.

  3. If it's your first time commenting, you'll be prompted to log in to participate. You’ll need to enter your email address and then open and click a link in that email in order to gain access to the comment.   

  4. Once logged into the publication, you can like the post or leave a comment. 

  5. After submission, your comment will appear with a timestamp at the bottom of the post.

    You can delete or reply to your own comment. Other subscribers can reply to your comments and vice versa, creating up to 5 nested comment threads. 
Tech Note: In order to feature a profile photo when leaving comments, you will need to have an active Gravatar profile photo. Refer to this article for directions on creating one.


Admin Experience: Managing and moderating comments

As an administrator of the publication, you are considered a moderator and can view, reply to, and manage comments from each post dashboard. 

  1. Go to your Posts and select a published post.

  2. Click on the Comments tab. (This is only available when the comments were enabled for the post.) 

    You’ll be able to click the Login and Comment button to view and reply to comments for your post.

  3. You can comment as the moderator by adding your comments to the field and then click on Submit

Moderating Comments
Comments that are inappropriate can be removed, and you can choose to disable comments completely if necessary. You can also disable comments on a case-by-case basis.

After removing a comment, it will be labeled as 'Removed by Moderator’ and it will not show up for users.  


Frequently asked questions about comments

    Is it possible to use comments with my team when I am creating a post?
    Can I test the comment section from a test email?

    Unfortunately no, because the URL is not yet live and accessible until you publish the post. Once you publish the post and it is live you will be able to preview the comment section.

    Can I use the comment section if my content is not hosted on beehiiv?

    Unfortunately, comments are built directly into the web architecture of all beehiiv websites. If your content is hosted on a different platform, you would need to use a custom plugin or create your own integration.

    Can I make it so only some people can comment?

    Yes, the comment permissions are set at the post level. Under the Website tab in the post editor, you can select if you want comments to be open to all subscribers or only premium subscribers, and you can also hide the comments section or lock it. 

    Can anyone leave a comment or like my post?

    No, readers would need to subscribe to your publication in order to comment on or like your posts.

    Do I need to login every time I want to leave a comment on a beehiiv post?

    Yes, for security purposes, we require a quick email check each time you access the comments of a beehiiv post.

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