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Updated: Aug 13, 2024

How to set up Google Tag Manager to track subscriber events

By connecting Google Tag Manager to your beehiiv website, you can track events and specific user actions, such as clicks, video plays, and signups. This is especially useful for analyzing the performance of your ads. 

Watch and learn: Google Tag Manager


Disclaimer: The beehiiv platform has evolved since the filming of this video so parts of the user interface featured in the video will be slightly different than what you see in your account. In particular, when you go to access your beehiiv account at the 0:49 mark, you'd go to Design > Website Builder > Settings tab, and then add your Google Tag Manager Pixel ID as outlined in the steps below.


How to set up Google Tag Manager for event tracking 

Google Tag Manager allows you to tag events and subscribers to give helpful data points that you can translate into analytics. 

  1. Go to and sign in. Make sure you are using a Google account.

  2. Click Create Account.

  3. Fill out all on-screen details: 
  • Under Account Name add the name of your beehiiv publication.
  • Under Country select the country you are based in. 
  • In Container Setup, under Container name, add your beehiiv publication URL. 
  • Under Target Platform select Web.

  1. Click Create. The Google Tag Manager Terms of Service Agreement will appear. Check the box to agree to the terms, then click Yes in the right corner.

  2. You’ll be redirected to your Google Tag Manager workspace. You’ll see a code that starts with ‘GTM’ in the top right corner of your screen next to Workspace Changes. Copy this code.

  3. Log in to beehiiv. From the left panel Dashboard, go to Design > Website Builder.

  4. The Website Builder will open on the Styles tab in the left hand panel. Click on Settings > Pixels.

  5. Paste the code you copied from Google Tag Manager into the box under Google Tag Manager Pixel ID.

To continue on this journey and use Meta Ads to track your subscriber sign-ups, refer to this article

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