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Updated: May 8, 2024

Unlocking Partner Payouts: How to become tax compliant and get paid

To ensure compliance with tax regulations, all participants in the beehiiv Partner Program must fill out either a W-9 Form (US Citizens) or a W-8 Ben Form (International) in order to get paid.

While you can start sharing your partner link right away, any eligible payouts visible in your partner dashboard will be held until all necessary tax paperwork is submitted.

How to become tax compliant

  1. Complete an intake tax form and digitally sign depending on your location of business.
    • If you're based in the USA or handle tax matters there, please complete a W-9 Form.
    • If you’re based and or operate/file taxes outside of the USA, please complete a W-8 Ben Form.

    You can complete these forms personally or as a business entity.

  2. Submit the required tax form.
    • Submitting the form will securely store all of your partner data within our system and unlock your account payouts, as you will now have a fully compliant account. 
    • Please send your tax paperwork to partners (at)

    All commission payouts will be processed through PayPal. Kindly provide us with your primary PayPal email address for our records.

Once your account is eligible, it is important to remember how our payout process works: 

Payouts are processed on the 15th of each month, covering commissionable earnings from the previous month. Should the 15th fall on a US holiday, payouts will be postponed to the next business day.

Reminder: All payments for the Partner Program are facilitated through PayPal, so it is also required to have a PayPal account to receive payouts.

Please note that there's a delay between when someone signs up and when you receive your commission. You will need to take into account the following... 

Trial period and provisioning window

  • All customers referred by you undergo a 30-day trial period.
  • Should they upgrade to a paid plan, there's a mandatory 30-day provisioning window to prevent cancellations, fraud and or chargebacks. During this time, referrals will appear as "Pending" in your partner dashboard.
  • After this provisioning window, their status will change from “Pending” to “Due”. 
  • Once paid to you via PayPal, their status will change from “Due” to “Paid”.

Here is an example, suppose you referred a user to the Scale plan on June 1st. After their 30-day trial, they ended up upgrading to the Max plan on July 1st. Your commission would now be due on August 1st. 

This amount will be paid out to you via PayPal on August 15th, which marks the next payout period.

This initial delay applies only to the first payout. Subsequently, you'll receive monthly payments for the following 12-month period or as long as your referral remains a beehiiv customer.

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