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Updated: Dec 11, 2024

Options on the Audience page of the post flow

The Audience page in the post creation flow allows you to customize which segments of your audience receive your newsletter. This feature gives you complete control over how your newsletter is presented — whether via email, web, or both — and which groups of subscribers receive your content. Your selections on this page will also influence the options available in the subsequent Email and Web pages of the post flow.

The ‘Audience’ tab or page is one part of the overall post creation process, organized into five tabs (Compose, Audience, Email, Web, Review) at the top of the Post Builder. The post flow is designed to guide you step-by-step through crafting and publishing a post, using the ‘Next’ button to move between pages. If you prefer to navigate out of order, you can use the five tabs to jump directly to any stage of the process.

Selecting the Email and Web Audience for your post

  1. From the left panel Dashboard, click Start Writing, or open a post that you would like to edit.

  2. The Post Builder opens on the Compose page. Create your post as usual or review your content. Once you’re satisfied with everything, click Next to proceed.

  3. You’ll be taken to the Audience page, where you can select the audience you want to send to for both email and web. By default, both options are set to include ‘All Free Subscribers.'

Email Audience

  1. Under Email Audience, click the dropdown menu to select which audiences to include. Choose from All Free Subscribers (selected by default), All Paid Subscribers, or individual tiers of your paid subscribers.

  2. When you select a subscriber group, it will display under the dropdown field along with the number of subscribers in that group. To remove a subscriber group, click the X next to the corresponding audience option.

    If you want to publish solely as a web post, just remove all subscriber groups from the Email Audience section.

  3. You can further customize your email audience by using segments to optimize your sending strategy. To enable this feature, toggle on Include and exclude segments.

    This will allow you to search for and select segments you've already created for inclusion or exclusion from your email recipients. If you need to add or modify your segments, simply click Manage segments.

    You can include and exclude a combined total of up to 5 segments. For example, you could include 3 segments and exclude 2, or you could exclude up to 5 segments without including any.

Web Audience

  1. Under Web Audience, click the dropdown menu to select which audiences to include. Choose from All Free Subscribers (selected by default), All Paid Subscribers, or individual tiers of your paid subscribers.

  2. When you select a subscriber group, it will display under the dropdown field along with the number of subscribers in that group. To remove a subscriber group, click the X next to the corresponding audience option.

    If you want to publish solely as an email post, just remove all subscriber groups from the Web Audience section.

  3. On the right, you'll find a summary of your selected email and web audience options. If you're satisfied with your choices, click Next to proceed with the post creation process.

  4. Once you’ve finished the other post creation options, you’ll reach the Review page. Under the ‘Publish to’ section, click the dropdown menu to view your audience details. If you need to make any changes, select Edit.

    If everything looks good, click Schedule to set a time to send your post.

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